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1444/11/15 07/05/2024

Al Rashid industries board of directors annual report for 2023


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637435024-1716359575-تقرير مجلس الادارة السنوي لعام 2023 (معتمد).pdf
1444/11/15 06/05/2024

Al-Rashed Industrial Company announces its annual financial results ending on 12-31-2023


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378093648-1716358875-Al-Rashid Industrial Company FSs 2023 -Signed.pdf
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1444/11/15 05/10/2023

Al Rashid Industrial Co. Announces Purchase Two plots of land in the value of 8,566,950 (eight million five hundred and sixty-six thousand nine hundred and fifty Saudi Riyals)

Element List Explanation
Introduction Al-Rashed Industrial Company announces the purchase of two plots of land in the New Industrial City neighborhood in Riyadh.
Transaction Details Referring to the auction held by Nasser Fahad Al-Jofan Foundation under the supervision of the Attribution and Liquidation Center (Infath) and the decision of the Execution Court for the sale of real estate in the city of Riyadh, and where Al-Rashed Company for Industry entered into the auction on two adjacent plots of land in the New Industrial City neighborhood in Riyadh with a total area of 8,477 square meters, and a total amount of 8,566,950 Saudi riyals, the area of the first plot is 3,808 square meters and the area of the second plot is 4,669 square meters, and accordingly the two plots of land were awarded to Al-Rashed Company for Industry And the termination of the procedures of sale, transfer of ownership and emptying.
Transaction Value 8,566,950 (eight million five hundred and sixty-six thousand nine hundred and fifty Saudi Riyals)
Transaction Terms None
Parties of the Transaction Seller: Court of Execution.

Auction Supervision: Attribution and Liquidation Center.

Buyer: Al-Rashed Company for Industry.

Transaction Funding Method of the company's liquidity.
Transaction Execution Date 2023-09-27 Corresponding to 1445-03-12
Description of the Business of the Asset forming the Subject Matter of the Transaction Warehouses
Financial Statements for the Last Three Years of the Asset forming the Subject Matter of the Transaction Do not apply
Transaction reasons To support the company's investment plans to establish central warehouses in the Riyadh region
Expected Impact of the Transaction on the Company and Its Operations It will raise the efficiency of storage, shipping and distribution processes for the company's products.
Related Parties None
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1444/11/15 13/09/2023

Al Rashid Industrial Co. announces its Interim Financial Results for the Period Ending on 2023-06-30 ( Six Months )

Element List Current Period Similar Period For Previous Year %Change
Sales/Revenue 67,163,752 55,679,227 20.63
Gross Profit (Loss) 21,275,574 16,267,344 30.79
Operational Profit (Loss) 11,192,247 7,393,812 51.37
Net Profit (Loss) after Zakat and Tax 10,550,892 7,831,846 34.72
Total Comprehensive Income 11,285,880 8,151,151 38.46
Total Share Holders Equity (after Deducting Minority Equity) 111,590,785 106,304,905 4.97
Profit (Loss) per Share 1.32 0.98
All figures are in (Actual) Saudi Arabia, Riyals
Accumulated Losses Capital Percentage %
0 80,000,000 100
All figures are in (Actual) Saudi Arabia, Riyals
Element List Explanation
Increase (Decrease) in Net Profit for Current Period Compared to Previous Period is Attributed to The reason for the increase in net profit by 34.72% during the first six months compared to the same period last year is due to:

1- An increase in gross profit by 30.79% due to an increase in revenues through sales of various production lines as well as items and products added during the period with an increase in the coverage of local markets.

2- Decrease in raw material prices compared to the same period.

Statement of the type of external auditor's report Unmodified conclusion
Reclassification of Comparison Items Do not apply
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